jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

ebooks and what are they

First of all, I must answer the obvious question: What is an ebook? An ebook is a book that has been digitized by a computer program and its text has been converted into a format that is more easy to take with you anywhere. The text of the book has become a special text file which can be downloaded into a PDA, a special item designed to read ebooks or even on your mobile phone!

Thanks to this technology we can bring with us a whole library to read when we want, or search for words or sentences quickly. This advance in technologies makes finding information so much faster than we could get by the traditional method, in addition to solve the problem about two people searching for the same book. With this aplication serching books will be easier at any time, and distribution could be free, it's like a gift culture. Besides saving money on paper, ink, distribution, etc., and avoid the felling of trees to produce best sellers.

Thanks to this system can preserve the information of the original books because the books can be damaged, but not ones or zeros.

On the other hand, perhaps the fact of reading a book that was not made from paper is not very good for your seeing, but there are specific ebook readers that regulate the brightness of the screen and the “ink” are not bad for you in the case you could be reading for too long.

I used:



lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

Why I designed my blog this way?

Everything has a reason. About a year ago I saw a report witch say that you can save energy if you use Blackle instead of Google. Blackle is a page designed in black to save energy, and now I try to apply this philosophy when I can.
I copied the new:

Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all we need to take small steps to save energy in our daily lives. Blackle searches are supported by Google custom search.

Blackle saves energy because the screen is black by default. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size when you open Windows applications, some monitors require more power to display a white screen (or light) that a screen black (or dark). "

In January 2007 the publication of a blog called Black Google could save 750 Megawatt hours per year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine could save some energy, because of the popularity of it. Since then there has been skepticism about the importance of saving energy and what it can achieve in terms of cost and readability with a black web page.

Theory Module 1

In this module I have been visiting many sites of interest on both grammar, oral or listenings exercises.
Most pages were very helpful and all have specific content on grammatical rules, but my favorites were:


Is a page very easy to understand, with a lot of exercices with grammar (Second conditional, imperatives…)


It is basically a lot of links to other pages like dictionaries online or other pages with listenings or reading. Useful.


This is my favourite one about listening, dedicated to all people for all levels.

In this module we have worked on grammar basicaly, which I think is the most important thing of learning a language, because most students have been without using English for even years (as myself)
I liked make this module because it has helped me a lot focus my mind in English, remembering part of what i learned, son now i think I can be better speaker.

Welcome to my ICT Blog

This blog is dedicated to everyone who wants to learn English and you want guidance on the language. In this blog I will publish posts to display sites of interest to the ICT subject.
Enjoy yourselves!